Online Tutors for the Ultra Eexclusive.
Welcome to Ophelia Tutors
A renowned, online global tutoring service that takes pride in situating our clients’ academic development at the heart of our establishment.
Online Tutors for the Ultra Exclusive.
Welcome to Ophelia Tutors
A renowned, online global tutoring service that takes pride in situating your academic development at the heart of our establishment.
Online Private Tutors for the Elite.
We Build Skills And Mindsets
We provide you with the resources required to nourish and achieve your ambitious aspirations beyond your expectations.
Online Tutoring for a Premium Clientele.
We work creatively
We carefully filter clients and fellow students to ensure you are ready to embark on this magnificent journey for shaping outstanding careers.
Welcome to Ophelia Tutors
A renowned, online global tutoring service that takes pride in situating our clients’ academic development at the heart of our establishment.
Golden Results
With 20 years of experience, Ophelia Tutors has helped thousands of children prepare for both national and competitive entrance exams. We are dedicated to promoting learning in a different light, with our exclusive, unrivalled service that guarantees golden results.
Our aim lies in promoting a passionate attitude towards learning, stimulating self-confidence and creating a strong drive for independence in 5 to 19 year olds.
Dedicated full time and part time tutoring
We present online tutors for:
Independent School Entrance Exams
GCSE, IGCSE, IB & A Level Exams
Leading UK University Entrance Exams

  • "The experience my daughter has received from this tuition service is indeed second to none. The tutors provide a very friendly service and explain even the most difficult .....
  • Sarwat Jabeen


We are proud of our innovative approach to delivering educational excellence. Dedicated to instilling core values of perseverance and integrity, we aim to create principled, open minded and ambitious learners.


We employ a strategic focus to providing customised solutions to universal clients. Our three-stage programme entails thorough assessment, identification of issues and tailored solutions which paves the way for guaranteed success and professional development. Extending our academic scope to personal mentoring, we uphold a distinctive position in the global educational market and…

We are proud of our innovative approach in delivering educational excellence.
Educational Excellence
Transform your life through Ophelia

Naadiya is studying Dentistry at Leeds University, Britain after being tutored by Ophelia.

What will you be able to do?

Know More About Ophelia
Become an instructor
At Ophelia Tutors, we’re different.
We care more. We do more. We serve better.

We know our client success comes from selecting a suitable tutor who has the ability to discover with supreme clarity, weaknesses and an unrivalled understanding of your needs.

We are proud of our innovative approach to delivering educational excellence. Dedicated to instilling core values of perseverance and integrity, we aim to create principled, open-minded and ambitious learners.

Unparalleled tutoring program to a premium clientele worldwide.